Help the Athlete In Your Life Navigate the Coronavirus Era

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I’ve been doing a lot of editing this summer for Dr. Alan Goldberg, an Amherst-based sports performance consultant. Usually, he’s helping athletes get over slumps and blocks, and generally improving performance. But when the coronavirus led to the cancelling of seasons, championships, and even team practices, Alan knew there would be a lot of new challenges for athletes. He’s been posting two new YouTube videos per week since April helping athletes deal with this new reality.

Because of COVID restrictions, we are working remotely right now. I helped Alan get set up with a refresher training for using his camera and uploading his footage, and things are flowing very smoothly. I download his self-filmed footage, edit, add graphics as needed, and upload to YouTube for him, finishing up with all of the administrative stuff that goes along with a YouTube channel. He’s got 26 videos in this series so far.

Seriously, if you know an athlete at any level in any sport who has lost their motivation, trains less, feels depressed, or can’t get going, have them check these videos out!