Spent part of Thursday and Friday n in Northfield, MA, taping the end of year ceremonies at Linden Hill School. I believe this is my seventh year taping there. Thursday night is their awards night, where they hand out sports and academic awards. Friday morning is Prize Day, graduation for their 9th graders who are moving on to high school. This year marked their 50th anniversary. The ride up I-91 was unnerving, with a lot of lightning, heavy downpours, and two trees down on the highway.
From their website: Linden Hill School serves boys ages 9-16 of average to above average intelligence who have learning differences. The School addresses the specific needs of each boy’s learning difference in a setting that is structured and predictable, and also nurturing and family-like. The lessons of Linden Hill are intended to prepare our boys for secondary school and to facilitate their pursuit of leading productive and fulfilling adult lives.