
The Hartsbrook School

Taping today at the Hartsbrook School in Hadley, MA. Got a little bit of wet-on-wet watercolor painting in the two kindergarten classrooms. So sweet! Also, some of the kindergarteners were hauling around big wooden boards and things to make slides and pirate ships in their classroom.

Then, off to the eighth grade for a physics class. Learning about water displacement, their challenge was to shape a 8-by-8 inch sheet of aluminum foil so that it could hold the maximum number of pennies while floating in water. Looked like a lot of fun. When I left, one group had reported floating 104 pennies in their boat. Try it at home!

Have you seen this site? You can enter a zip code or city name from anywhere in the country and get a look at the average wedding cost for that area. Here are some I entered:
Norwalk, CT—$56,740
Springfield, MA—$26,780

Seven Hills Inn

Was at the Seven Hills Inn in Lenox, MA last weekend, a great place for a wedding. I love shooting in the Berkshires, especially as the leaves are changing color. It was a partying/dancing crowd, with some people never leaving the dance floor and many still going strong till the last dance. The Inn has many interesting rooms and a lovely terraced lawn. There are also wooded trails around the property which I didn’t get a chance to explore.

The Meeting House

Spent Saturday in Tiverton, RI for Lizzi and Dean’s wedding. Their ceremony and reception were at The Meeting House, a simple, farm-style building with a terrific lawn full of wonderful little nooks and some sculpture. It was a very relaxed ceremony, with the officiant in bare feet. Many guests were from the west coast, and there was definitely a California vibe going on. A great atmosphere!

International Wedding

I was in Connecticut last weekend to shoot an Australian-Canadian wedding. There were a lot of signs around explaining Aussie and Canadian slang, and a lot of national identity jokes, especially between Australians and New Zealanders (apparently they have a very intense rivalry). Well, the location was beautiful, and the activities and decor were masterfully orchestrated by Dixie Todd at Party Resources (in Kent, CT).

Seating cards uniquely displayed.

Ceremony by riverside.

Surprised by the flower girl!

Woo-hoo! New camera

Received our new Canon XH A1 this week, and put it right to work, shooting a video for the Hartsbrook School in Hadley, MA. The A1 is capable of shooting in high definition (HD), but for this project I am using it in standard widescreen mode. After some inital tweaking with the presets, I beginning to get the images close to what I want.

Here are a couple of screen shots from today:
The High School building, Piening Hall.

Two seventh grade boys doing perspective drawing in the shadow of the Mt. Holyoke range.


Four Seasons Boston

Tonight, I was at the Four Seasons in Boston with my favorite photographers, Glenn and April Livermore! Anne and Marc were the wedding couple, and they were so easy to work with, very sweet.

The Four Seasons was, well, The Four Seasons—luxurious, efficient, and AMAZING food! Anne and Marc did a fabulous planning job, everything looked so beautiful.

Here are some pics:

The cake…

The bouquet…

And a detail from the ketubah.

Chipmunk Returns

A bit of chaos here yesterday, as the chipmunk who visited a few weeks ago returned. We called a wildlife control specialist, who doubted our word that a chipmunk was running around the house. Flying squirrels was his suggestion.

Well, he had to apologize after chasing the little creature around our girls’ playroom. And the chipmunk gave him quite the runaround, darting among barbies, polly pockets, and countless other toys strewn about the room.

Well, “Chippy” (as our youngest daughter named it) is now removed, and things are settling back to normal, though there is a bit of Chippy mess to be cleaned up in odd corners.


I’m at my desk editing last Friday when my intern, Fiona, says, “Tom, there’s a chipmunk in your office.” Now, I get a little freaked out by wildlife, especially when it’s indoors, but I managed not to startle until I actually laid eyes on it. Yep, right there, paused on my floor—a chipmunk. I followed it through my house, opened the front door, and casually herded it outside, with Fiona’s help.

About an hour later, Fiona had gone home, but the chipmunk had returned. Yes, back in my office. And since I was alone I was free to really jump when I spotted it. I thought it would be a simple matter of herding out the front door again, but this time, the chipmunk ran into the kitchen and under the stove.

I made a system of barricades in the kitchen to force the chipmunk closer to our open back door, but it took to hiding under the refrigerator, and stayed there until the next morning. I saw it beside the fridge, so we left it alone with our barricades up and the back door open. Several checks later in the day found no further sign of chipmunk. It seemed like a good opportunity to pull out the fridge and clean all around it, vacuum the coils, etc., so I can with certainty say it isn’t in the fridge anymore. We sure hope it found its way outside and is not lurking somewhere in the house, waiting to startle me a third time.

Fire Alarm

On Saturday, I was at the Elm Bank Reservation in Wellesley, MA. Elm Bank is the home of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, which has quite beautiful and extensive grounds. The bride and groom, Eliane and Shawn, had the ceremony and reception there. Below is a shot from the ceremony, with a grand vista!

And from the opposite angle, before the ceremony, with the Manor House in the background.

Somehow during the reception, a fire alarm was accidentally pulled, and there was 40 minutes of flashing strobes and an intermittent alarm sound. Everyone continued with the reception as best they could, and fire trucks soon responded. While the firefighters were resetting the alarm, guests were snapping away at the bride and groom in front of the fire truck, as shown below.

Aside from the alarm, the day went very well, with great weather, a beautiful bridal party, and happy guests. Who could ask for more?

Dam Poison Ivy!

I was in Acushnet, MA, this week, shooting some footage for the National Marine Fisheries Service. They are documenting the Acushnet River Fish Passage Restoration project with work taking place at the Acushnet Sawmill Dam and at the Hamlin Street Dam, both in the town of Acushnet. My guide for the shoot was Steve Block, a Habitat Restoration Specialist for the NMFS. Steve did caution me about poison ivy in some overgrown areas, but I still managed to get a bit showing up on my arm a couple of days later. Hopefully, that’s the extent of it. I washed all my clothes right away, and my sneakers last night, and my wife bravely applied Tecnu to my tripod today. We’ll see if that takes care of it.

Of course, I have 3-4 more visits to Acushnet to document the construction, so we’ll see if I can avoid it next time.

As this shot was taken, the tripod was probably sitting in the poison ivy.

Full Circle

I’ve been playing with a new toy this week. It’s a customized film transfer projector designed to do frame-by-frame transfers of 8mm and Super8 films. In between doing film transfers for clients, I’ve been testing it out with films from my childhood. Films that I had spliced together myself onto big reels, back when I was 13 or 14 years old. I probably haven’t seen these in over 20 years. No one in my family has. They sure will make a nice Christmas presents. Here are a couple of screen captures from my home movies:

Here, my brothers and cousin tear down a gingerbread house on New Year’s Eve (circa 1971).

Here I am in the yellow pajamas, between my cousin and my brother.

The film transfers are going great. We clean all the film before transferring, and the frame-by-frame transfer gives very sharp images, so it looks terrific—and it’s a lot of fun to watch all the old movies. Check your attics, your closets, and your basements. Dig out those old memories. Film won’t last forever—better get it transferred to DVD!



Raffle Winner

I spent yesterday evening at Chandler’s Restaurant in Deerfield, MA at a “Vendor Blender”, where wedding professionals from all areas of the wedding industry can meet and network. It was sponsored by CJC Events—they do bridal event production and marketing, including the Western New England Bridal Shows at the MassMutual Center in Springfield, and they publish the Wedding Day Sourcebook, a monthly magazine.
It was a great evening. I got to meet a lot of vendors from the area—photographers were well represented, and I handed out a lot of demos. My big news is that I won the final prize of the night—a free table at the March 9th Western New England Bridal Show!

The Hotel Northampton

Back at the Hotel Northampton again tonight, always a great place for a reception. Downtown Northampton, Massachusetts, across from the cool Calvin Theater, where many national acts pass through. And just a ten minute drive from my house!

The happy couple today was Laura and Jeremy. Got married at the Abbey Chapel on the Mount Holyoke College campus. Abbey Chapel has wonderful stone architecture and great acoustics—a real hidden gem, if you’re looking for a wedding location. In years past, I had taped a couple of Mount Holyoke College concerts there, including an excellent production of Mozart’s Requiem.