This year I had the opportunity to film a conference for the Massachusetts Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (MAMFT). The conference was held at the recently renovated Smith College Conference Center. The center overlooks the campus gem, Paradise Pond, near the spillway, which makes for a very tranquil setting.

Filming conferences is always personally rewarding for me, because I am always learning something new. Technically, each one presents a different challenge. For this conference, there were two individual lectures (one with a powerpoint presentation) and a panel discussion with 5 presenters, along with some projected video clips. It helps when the conference center runs smoothly and is technologically up-to-date!
From their website: “For groups from five to 300 people, the Smith College Conference Center gives its guests unparalleled customer service and value. Several rooms of varied sizes are available for your meeting, conference, lecture, retreat or special occasion. Equipped with the latest audio/visual capabilities and an on-site, professional-scale kitchen, the Conference Center offers accessible solutions for all your event needs.”